Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Award Rationale

I’ve been thinking long and hard about my qualification title. The path of my inquiry keeps coming back to the root of everything: knowledge and education. I am exploring the issues faced during the transition from training to career, especially regarding injury prevention, care and rehabilitation. I have experience in this area, since I have a long standing back injury, and I also broke my ankle 8 months ago.
My back injury occurred during my training, however I broke my ankle after my training had finished, and I noticed a huge difference in my psychological state with them both. Even though my ankle injury was more serious and more threatening to my career, I have been calm throughout the rehabilitation process, discounting the initial panic when it first happened. I believe this is because I was away from the many pressures to return to full health quickly that I faced whilst at college.
I read into the psyche of injured dancers, and I discovered that many felt the same pressures as I did. I wanted to understand why teachers have certain attitudes towards injuries, and also whether this stems from a lack of education. Why are there so many injured dancers or singers, and why, like me, don’t they know what their options are if they become injured? Why is it just accepted in the world of Performing Arts that the majority of performers are injured? I am exploring this, and my inquiry is pointing towards it being down to the lack of education available to performing arts students, about this subject. Therefore, I am proposing the award title :
BA (Hons) Professional Practice (Health within Performing Arts Education)

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