As I'm approaching the end the research part of my inquiry, I thought now would be as good a time as any to talk about my experience through this process.
The process has been very interesting and enlightening - it is reassuring to know that there are many other people in the same boat as me, with regard to injuries and the attitude they felt from teachers about these injuries.
I have managed to get a true idea of the differences between performing arts and sports training - it has really surprised me just how different it is, and I've begun to look into why this is too, by looking deeper into how course content is devised.
I still have a handful of interviews and focus groups lined up, which will be talking to professionals in the field, as well as a couple of tutors, to that insight will be interesting, as I often wondered myself what the teachers thought about the way things worked in my college, such as procedure with physio or doctors appointments, and the rehabilitation process.
I think the surveys have worked really well - they have enabled me to pinpoint people who I really want to hear more from, or those who will be able to give a hugely valuable contribution to the inquiry. The focus groups have also managed to provide an comfortable and enthusiastic environment for students to speak their minds on subjects, without the fear of teachers telling them off or judging them.
I was wondering if someone could update me on the goings on during campus lectures this term, as work isn't letting me attend them!! I've had a brief look on everyone's blogs, but nothing is making sense to me (just for a change!!)
Ellie x